Welcome to the
EU-WB Policy Dialogue Stakeholder Platform!
This platform aims stimulating a policy dialogue on how to align priorities in the Western Balkans with those of the European Union across three key thematic areas:
Digital Transformation, Green Deal, and Healthy Societies
Our primary objective is to facilitate interactive exchanges among different actors, providing a space where challenges can be addressed and optimal solutions can be offered. By actively participating in this platform, you will have the opportunity to contribute to offer suggestions, collaborate with other stakeholders and develop policy answers.
POLICY ANSWERS is funded by the European Commission through the Horizon Europe project "R&I policy making, implementation and support in the Western Balkans", grant agreement: 10105887.
POLICY ANSWERS focuses on the research and innovation (R&I) policy and governance systems in the WB while also covering the aspects of education, culture, youth and sports. The project monitors and supports policy coordination within the EU-WB cooperation, strengthening the WB potential for successful participation in regional and multilateral research and innovation activities. It promotes regional cooperation in R&I and supports networking and access to information and excellence.
More information about POLICY ANSWERS and its activities is available on the following website: www.westernbalkans-infohub.eu